BPO Bulletin

Providing Better Insight into Business Processes

by Ken Neal
April 7, 2017

A blog post by AIIM’s John Mancini caught my eye. It offers “13 Things You Don’t Know about Content Analytics.” (Mancini’s Digital Landfill blog post is available at info.aiim.org/digital-landfill.) In the post Mancini states: “Content analytics provides the ‘last mile’ of insight, ultimately required for automating business processes and creating customer-centered journeys that go beyond conventional encounters.” Mancini goes on to add that AIIM surveyed 276 decision makers about whether–and how–they are using content analytics to improve their business processes. Here is a couple of interesting findings:

  • 27% see content analytics as essential now. 59% see it as essential within the next 5 years.
  • 39% are challenged with poor insight into their business operations.
  • 64% see content analytics as a way to improve productivity and remove manual steps.
  • 62% see content analytics as a way of providing business insight.
  • 25% respondents say their processes are flowing faster and more smoothly as a result of using inbound analytics.
  • 61% feel the best use of the intelligence derived from content analytics is in providing better insight and decision-making capabilities.

During the past few years the topic of analytics has been important in the document processing arena. At last, organizations can have deep view into document processing activities via advanced performance management systems such as our BusinessInsights solution. The latter is a system used by our managers to systematically drive continuous performance improvement and reduced cost in outsourced business processes. Whatever system an enterprise uses, the key point is that the power of performance management is in measuring, monitoring, analyzing and managing key business processes—spanning a wide range from mail/shipping operations to accounts payable invoice and insurance claims processing.

Feel free to visit the Insights page of our website for additional information on industry trends including case histories, whitepapers and more.

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