BPO Bulletin

Digital Transformation: Keys to Formulating a Modernization Plan

July 3, 2018

In my previous article I mentioned that, when we talk about modernizing the information infrastructure, there is a need to take a more holistic view and assess not only the technology you have and may need, but these other elements as well. There are at least four critical things you can do to evaluate your current state and formulate a modernization plan. I spotlighted two of them in the previous post. Here are two more:

  • Identify and document your metadata. In similar fashion as the governance element, assess what you have, what you need, and enhance your metadata in ways that support security, privacy and findability. At the same time, document when and how the metadata is applied. Investigate how automation technologies can be used to identify your information as well as to extract and apply metadata consistently and move this activity closer to the first touchpoint. For example, perhaps you require a signature on a contract, a process that up to now has been paper based. You might consider capturing the signature digitally and keeping the document in a digital state.
  • Inventory your information assets, documenting where they reside, who is responsible for them, who accesses them and if they are connected to other information/data and systems. Also document how they are being accessed and their role in your business processes. Look for opportunities to enhance accessibility and improve responsiveness for customer demands, and the changing business landscape.

Modernizing your information infrastructure does not mean get rid of what you have and start over. The best approach is to investigate, document, and put in place a project plan that fills the gaps, supports operations and compliance, and leverages your current investment.

Look for ways to integrate or link your information repositories and applications. Assess how cloud and mobile solutions could extend your capabilities, enabling workers and clients to access information and interact with your processes. Enhance flexibility by giving the power to make changes to those who make the decisions and do the work using no code/low code applications. This removes total dependence and reliance on IT services to implement required changes.

In most cases a good place to begin is by looking at your business processes, which I will cover in the next article in this series, "Digitalizing Core Business Processes." In the meantime, feel free to visit the Business Process Outsourcing page of our website. There you will find additional insights on industry trends and best practices including case histories, whitepapers and more.

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