BPO Bulletin

BPO Opportunities for 2015

March 3, 2015

With 2015 off to a running start, business transformation and outsourcing advisory firm Pace Harmon advises organizations to capitalize on the latest outsourcing trends for growth opportunities and operational efficiencies (see IT and Business Process Outsourcing Opportunities for 2015). Two outsourcing arenas in which we see significant opportunities to reduce costs and improve operational efficiency this year include accounts payable and corporate campus logistics services.

AP outsourcing can bring many benefits to an organization besides enabling a paperless process and eliminating data entry—it can also drive more consistent performance. To learn more, you can download the Canon research report, The Case for Outsourcing Accounts Payable, located on the Insights page of our website.

Corporate campus logistics services in another opportunity for 2015. Outsourcing can help a company more safely and efficiently maintain logistics services that support its employees and business goals. These services span a wide range including the receipt, warehousing, inventory management and distribution of virtually everything that moves within a corporate campus. To see what a significant impact these services can have, feel free to view our video case history, Innovative Corporate Campus Logistics Services, A Client’s Perspective, also available on the Insights page of our website.

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