BPO Bulletin

Information Governance is Crucial in Healthcare

July 29, 2016

I recently read in article in “Health Data Management” magazine, which states that while the healthcare industry might be a Johnny-come-lately in terms of implementing information governance (IG) programs, provider organizations are now recognizing the importance of IG and making efforts to adopt a successful strategy.1

We at Canon Business Process Services have written previously in blog posts and via other forums about how important it is for healthcare organizations to maintain unimpeachable information governance programs with well-implemented policies and procedures. Companies that fail to invest resources to make sure that health records are created and managed with proper attention risk serious consequences should records be suspect during customary audits, regulatory review or legal actions.

The article points out that according to Kathy Downing, director of information governance for the American Health Information Management Association, traditional data and information management strategies are not keeping pace with the needs of healthcare organizations, and that IG is no longer a luxury but an imperative that the industry cannot afford to ignore.2

If your organization is considering next steps in an information governance initiative, you might be interested in a webcast we recently hosted on “Top Five Data Security Issues for Information Governance.” The presentation offers insights such as the critical role that information management professionals play in maintaining information security, actions you can take now to prevent the most critical information security risks, and more.


1. Slabodkin, G. (2016, June) Information governance crucial as providers rely on quality of data. Health Data Management. Retrieved from www.healthdatamanagement.com

2. Ibid

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