Legal Services Brief

Getting a Grip on Data

April 13, 2016

I recently read a Legaltech News article that stated, “It’s no secret that corporations oversee massive volumes of data, but perhaps unknown is the amount to which this data continues to grow. Getting a grip on constantly proliferating data sets at an affordable rate is a concern for all industries…”1

I’ve posted before that one of the keys to addressing this concern is to ensure that your organization has a robust, continuously updated information management program. What are some signs that your program is not adequate? According to my colleague Melissa Carlis, Director of Information Governance Solutions at Canon Business Process Services, hoarding large amounts of data is one common sign. Other scenarios might also include unknown repositories; no inventory designating what important data exists and where it is located; and inconsistently named, unstructured data.

Having lived too long with these and other situations, your company may be looking to advance its program from its current state to a more integrated and mature set of procedures. Toward this end I can recommend two resources we have recently made available. One is Melissa’s webcast on “How to Build a Framework for Information Governance Success.” Another webcast we presented addresses “Steps to Developing a Records Retention Schedule.” Key insights include practical steps that you can take to begin developing an effective records retention schedule and other important tips. Watch our records retention schedule webcast.

Feel free to visit the Records Management and Information Governance Services page of our website for more information including industry trends, case histories, white papers and more.

1. Lopez, Ian, “Avoiding the Rat Holes of E-Discovery with Managed Services, Legaltech News, March 30, 2016

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