Legal Services Brief

Focusing on Information Governance

April 1, 2016

A Legaltech News article recently focused on how aligning compliance, privacy, security and eDiscovery practices can lower risk. The author states: “While the operational goals of compliance, privacy, security and e-discovery practices are different, their processes and technologies overlap, and it is increasingly difficult to successfully conduct one practice without successfully conducting the others. Organizations treating these practices as a single, multifaceted discipline supported by an organization-wide information governance (IG) program have the opportunity to reduce risk and save money. These practices involve significant interdependence.”

We at Canon Business Process Services couldn’t agree more. Previously I participated in a Legaltech News article roundup story in which I underscored the importance of legal organizations being aware of signs that indicate their information governance programs may not be as efficient as they need to be. Some signs include massive hoarding of data, unknown records repositories and no inventory of where documents are located. Another high risk factor for law firms is the inability to fully meet client needs connected with audits and requests to follow a client’s records retention guidelines.

Regarding the latter topic, you might want to join the next installment of our information governance webcast series, Steps to Developing a Records Retention Schedule. The date is April 6; the time Noon to 12:45 PM EST. Key insights will include practical steps that you can take to begin developing an effective records retention schedule and many other insightful tips.

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