BPO Bulletin

Digital Leadership in the Insurance Industry

August 8, 2017

Digital offerings within the insurance market continue to be a hot topic. Beyond creating online portals or adding social media marketing into the mix, insurers must integrate digital shopping and buying channels into an efficient, customer-centered system—or they risk losing market share. This point is front and center in a recent “Property Casualty 360⁰ News” article that I’d like to share.1

The piece focuses on topics that I believe are of critical importance to P&C insurance carriers: becoming digital leaders, staying relevant in the marketplace as well as redefining, personalizing and delivering the overall positive experience that insurance customers expect.

To emphasize the importance of technology, the author notes: “In a recent PwC survey (2016), 83% of insurance CEOs cited the rapid evolution of technology as a major concern to their prospects for growth, as legacy technology prevents many insurers from achieving their digital distribution vision.”

On this topic let me add that Canon Business Process Services’ BPO technology platform creates efficiencies around outsourced document processing by leveraging such features as automated document classification and data extraction as well as instant status notifications. With these and other capabilities, insurers have the visibility, automated processes and fast turn-around-times they need in order to keep their customers constantly informed. Overall, our comprehensive range of managed services and technology are designed to help clients retain existing business while driving new revenue.

If you’re interested in learning more about how new approaches and technology can help streamline your operations, feel free to visit the Insurance Services page of our website. There you will find insights on the latest industry trends and best practices including case histories, whitepapers and more.

1. Garlasco, K. (2017) “Rethinking a digital approach to insurance.” Property Casualty 360⁰, July 26, 2017

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