BPO Bulletin

AIIM Survey: Many Companies Struggling with Information Governance Policies

May 2, 2016

A new report issued by industry association AIIM (©AIIM 2016, wwww.aiim.org) reveals an important finding. The report, “Information Management: State of the Industry 2016,” looks at how different electronic content management system (ECM) strategies match the overall goals of the information management (IM) lifecycle, and the governance and adoption issues that users face, particularly when extending access to mobile devices and cloud services.

Here’s the critical finding: the study indicates that many organizations are struggling to create and enforce information governance policies. Only 18% of survey respondents said that their company aligns its IM/ECM system strategies with agreed information governance policies. Fifteen percent of the companies have information governance policies but they do not drive decisions; 29% have no information governance policies.

I and my colleagues at Canon Business Process Services have posted previously about how records management has evolved to the point where it now encompasses information management and governance. Looking ahead, feel free to join us for our upcoming webcast, "Top Five Data Security Issues For Information Governance.” The presentation takes place on Wednesday, May 4 from 12:00 PM to 12:45 PM ET. We’ll cover topics including five data security issues that records and information management professionals must solve and actions you can take now to prepare for, and prevent, the most critical information security risks.

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