10 Critical AP Metrics for Your Department
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10 Critical AP Metrics for Your Department
How does your AP department perform against your peers? Is AP processing costing your organization? The ability to make better-informed decisions with accurate, recent data to benchmark internal AP processes can be game-changing for your department and teams.
In this new webcast, hosted by Canon Business Process Services, we’ll cover the 10 most important metrics AP departments need to be aware of —so you can benchmark your department’s performance and see how it compares—plus what it looks like to achieve “best-in-class” performance.
Based on a recent report by Ardent Partners, see how best-in-class AP departments are:
- Reducing invoice-processing times and costs
- Lowering exception rates
- Increasing the rate of “touchless” invoices
- Driving down payment-processing costs by leveraging ePayments
- Utilizing a supplier portal to save time and reduce invoice-processing and payment-remittance errors