Canon Discovery Services Whitepaper Spotlights how Legal Professionals can Reduce their Risk of Inadvertent Disclosure

NEW YORK (February 26, 2018) – Canon Discovery Services, a division of Canon Business Process Services (Canon), has published a whitepaper spotlighting how attorneys, their support staff and litigation teams, and outside vendors can protect against inadvertent disclosure of privileged and confidential information.

Canon’s whitepaper, “E-Discovery Best Practices: Reducing Your Risk of Inadvertent Disclosure,” examines several best practices to consider when structuring review and production processes. These procedures can help reduce the likelihood of inadvertent disclosure and meet the Federal Rules of Evidence 502 “reasonableness” standard in attempting to prevent or rectify disclosure, should it occur.

One best practice is to create a defined system for identifying, preserving, collecting and evaluating electronically-stored-information. A well-defined process can improve accuracy while reducing the time and cost of a production. Key to success in this effort is understanding the technology that will be used in preparing a responsive production.

Download the whitepaper HERE.

Canon Business Process Services provides outsourced document management and electronic discovery services to 29 of the Am Law 100 firms. For more information on Canon Discovery Services as well as insight on legal industry trends and best practices, visit the Legal Services page of Canon’s website.

About Canon Discovery Services

Canon Discovery Services, a division of Canon Business Process Services, Inc., offers a skilled, dedicated team of discovery professionals with a proven track record in solving complex discovery matters. Backed by over twenty years of experience, Canon Discovery Services helps law firms and corporate legal departments develop practical, defensible eDiscovery response plans to support successful outcomes. Services range from ESI processing, culling and analysis, document review, hosting and production to implementing information governance and readiness response programs.

About Canon Business Process Services (Canon)

Canon helps clients enable business agility, digital transformation and lead an increasingly evolving workforce. We solve these challenges by leveraging our experienced team backed by Six Sigma expertise and best-in-class technology. With professionals across the US and in the Philippines, we have been named a Global Outsourcing 100 Leader in 2018 by IAOP for the twelfth straight year. Canon Business Process Services is a wholly owned subsidiary of Canon U.S.A., Inc. Learn more at and follow us on Twitter @CanonBPO.

All referenced product names, and other marks, are trademarks of their respective owners.

Press Contact: Ken Neal,

Canon Business Process Services © 2018

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