Canon Business Process Services Offers White Paper on Expanding Procurement’s Influence in 2018

NEW YORK (August 21, 2018)—Canon Business Process Services (Canon) today released a white paper spotlighting how new digital technology such as robotic process automation and advanced analytics are seen as innovative areas where procurement can contribute strategic business benefits.

The white paper, “The CPO Agenda in 2018: Expanding Procurement’s Influence through Change and Innovation,” is offered by Canon and written by the Hackett Group. The paper features important research on procurement’s expanding role in driving business value. According to one finding, 95 percent of procurement professionals believe that digital transformation will fundamentally change the way procurement services are delivered within two to three years. To meet growth expectations and manage risk, these leaders are focused on deepening collaboration with suppliers.

The report also emphasizes the importance of enhancing procurement’s business agility. For procurement teams, agility means finding new ways to harness the power of digital technology and quickly respond to changing stakeholder needs.

About Canon Business Process Services (Canon)

Canon helps clients enable business agility and digital transformation as well as lead an increasingly evolving workforce. We solve these challenges by leveraging our experienced team backed by Six Sigma expertise and best-in-class technology. With professionals across the US and in the Philippines, we have been named a Global Outsourcing 100 Leader in 2018 by IAOP for the twelfth straight year. Canon Business Process Services is a wholly owned subsidiary of Canon U.S.A., Inc. Learn more at and follow us on Twitter @CanonBPO.

About The Hackett Group, Inc.

The Hackett Group (NASDAQ: HCKT) is an intellectual property-based strategic consultancy and leading enterprise benchmarking and best practices digital transformation firm to global companies, offering digital transformation including robotic process automation and enterprise cloud application implementation. Services include business transformation, enterprise analytics, working capital management and global business services.

All referenced product names, and other marks, are trademarks of their respective owners.

Press Contact: Ken Neal,

Canon Business Process Services © 2018

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