BPO Bulletin

Mail Management as a Gateway to Improving Many Business Processes: Part One

July 27, 2016

Since today’s mail center continues to evolve in ways that add value and also serves as a gateway to supporting and improving so many business processes, operating it efficiently is a key element of an enterprise’s success. Mail center operations, however, can be complex and labor-intensive.

For this and other reasons, outsourcing mail center operations is an important consideration for many organizations. Working with the right service provider can give a company greater flexibility in dealing with ongoing changes in technology and mail management processes as well as help reduce costs, implement best practices and better meet the challenges of managing mail center staff.

With these trends in mind, I will highlight a case history of how a healthcare industry leader tapped Canon Business Process Services (Canon) for mail management services designed to help support the organization’s commitment to quality. Then I’ll wrap up by spotlighting how we are building on our expertise in managing mail and other document processes to coordinate outsourced corporate services delivered at large business campuses.

First, let’s look at the case history example. The story involves a major integrated health enterprise that operates numerous academic, community and specialty hospitals as well as hundreds of outpatient sites - employs several thousand physicians and offers an array of healthcare and health insurance services. The healthcare leader contracted with us to help improve operations and reduce costs connected with its mail management processes.

In my next post I’ll highlight the mail management solutions we implemented to meet these goals. In the meantime, feel free to visit the Mail Services page of our website for information on industry trends, best practices and more.

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