BPO Bulletin

Handling the Reality of Change: Part 2

April 11, 2016

In this, the second post in my two-part series, I’ll provide three more tips on how to effectively manage the sometimes upsetting reality of workplace change. Previously I emphasized the importance of always being prepared for change and why being a team player can help drive your career success. Let’s start here with the benefits of being flexible when potentially serious issues arise.

Stay Open

During work, challenges and issues can occur virtually anytime, anywhere. Some are simple oversights that don’t harm anyone; others can be more serious, possibly requiring investigative actions. Either extreme requires you to objectively view the facts before making informed judgments. If there is an issue requiring immediate attention, I suggest that the first step is to proactively look into the root cause and possible solution. My approach would be to put aside opinions and blame before you have the facts. This, in my estimation, is the approach of a true professional: investigate with an open mind, and then implement a solution that solves the problem.

Keep Learning

When consultants conduct interviews to support recommendations about staffing, they are often drawn to staff skill sets, abilities, certifications and other assets that separate the “keepers.” The more experience you have, the more value you offer the company. In addition, older certifications that you achieved three plus years ago may not demonstrate much value if you have nothing to back them up. Industry credentials and special expertise—such as a CMDSM (Certified Mail and Systems Distribution Manager) in my area—can fade in significance if you don’t renew and improve your skills and ability to stay current on trends. Webinars, seminars and vendor presentations are all excellent, readily available learning tools that are inexpensive and in a lot of cases, free. Use the knowledge available and tap into your specific industry skills inventory and sign up— every month—forever!

Speak Up

During the interview/fact-finding process, organizational consultants often can perceive an employee’s performance and/or value in a negative light if that employee is mostly silent, possibly due to fear or intimidation. My advice is don’t let yourself become intimidated by a series of patterned questions being thrown at you. Prepare a list of bullets that outline your value, your accomplishments, your certifications or skills and keep that list with you. Public speakers use index cards and PowerPoint note slides to keep their responses in order. You can do the same. Be the person who speaks to your personal and professional value whenever the situation demands.

Bottom line, being ready change is a key first step that can help you avoid, or at least minimize, the impact of shock. Being seen as a team player who offers solutions can help drive your success, as well as your satisfaction, in the workplace. Constantly improving your skills by taking advantage of educational opportunities can increase your value. Making your voice heard, in the office as well as in all situations, when combined with my other recommendations can help create opportunities that you may not have even dreamed of.

Feel free to visit the Mail Services page of our website for more information on industry best practices including white papers, case histories and more.

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