Legal Services Brief

E-Discovery Market has Momentum

July 5, 2016

According to a Legaltech News article, the e-discovery market has momentum on its side. As the article points out: “A recent IDC report found that while the global e-discovery market hit $10 billion in 2015, it is on pace to reach $14.7 billion by 2019, spurred by strong growth in the Americas and Europe regions. But what this growth will look like, and what segment of e-discovery providers will most benefit, has been the subject of much debate.”

The article made another interesting point about the survey’s finding that “When given the option between an e-discovery product with broad, multipurpose EDRM functionality, a one-stop shop of sorts, and a best-in-breed e-discovery product focused primarily on one step in the e-discovery process, 70 percent said they preferred the former."

From my perspective, while 70 percent of survey respondents would prefer a solution that ideally went from archive to presentation, the reality is that there is no viable product that does it all. Many vendors have tried, and are trying now, to craft a solution that archives email, file shares, structured data, SharePoint® data, instant messages, text messages, voice mail and social media content. As I see it,

many applications created by different companies need to have analysis and policy-based actions applied to them even before any review begins. This doesn’t even include considering the cost of managing and storing such a massive archive in the cloud or your organization’s data center.

The reality is that all companies for the most part have procured different tools over the years to handle and manage these many different areas of discovery. As an example, Canon Business Process Services fits squarely into the processing to production phases of the EDRM model. Our discovery platform—CaseData®—offers customers the ability to process, review and produce data in the cloud or behind their firewall.

Yes, it would be ideal if all discovery providers came together and agreed on standards that allowed all systems to classify items, analyze data, apply policy and hold it all in a central repository for records management, information governance and e-discovery. If only....

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