Legal Services Brief

CaseData Offers New Evidence Manager Module

August 7, 2015

I have some news to share. But first, I want to point out that legal organizations, particularly law firms, are aware that enhanced staff expertise and new workflow processes and technologies are morphing their traditional office services centers into true information management centers. These centers, whether supervised internally or by a managed services provider such as Canon, can provide document imaging, mail and print operations, records management, electronic evidence processing and more. Our managed services model includes onsite staffing as well as offsite options that can complement in-house teams. Another development driving the rise of information management centers is the fact that many legal administrators and attorneys are now less dependent on physical documents and more often deal with information in digital format, such as utilizing online collaborative document review tools and services. One such too is the newly enhanced version of our CaseData® cloud-based discovery platform, which provides processing, analysis, review and production.

Now to the news: CaseData offers Evidence Manager, a new module that streamlines document review by enabling a clear view of the contents of a computer hard drive before processing any of it and logging decisions made about what documents to process. This can save unnecessary cost and time incurred by processing and later identifying a significant volume of irrelevant documents contained on a computer hard drive, such as personal emails and/or system files.

Evidence Manager quickly scans a source of evidence, identifying all of the contents and providing comprehensive reports that allow intelligent decisions to be made about which documents to process for potential relevance and review. Once a decision is made about what to process from the evidence source, Evidence Manager logs the decision and who made it. At any future time, legal professionals can review the decisions and make new decisions to include more evidence related to the case.

Feel free to visit the Legal Services page of our website to learn more about how tapping the right managed services provider—one with the right expertise, technology and capabilities—can help corporate legal departments and law firms effectively manage paper and electronic discovery. Additionally, our website offers more on industry best practices, case histories and whitepapers.

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